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Bristol to Bath Ride

25.09.22 - 2:00P. M.

Bristol to Bath Ride

Details to follow.

Bristol Hospital Staff cycle to take action on air pollution and the climate crisis.

This Sunday (25th September 2022), local healthcare staff and their families are cycling from Bristol Children's Hospital to Warmley to inspire action on air pollution and the climate crisis. At Warmley Waiting Room cafe the riders will end the ride and talk about climate issues and child health.

Stefania Vergnano, paediatrician and organiser of the Ride, who also took part in last year's ride from London to Glasgow for COP26 said: “Bristol is one of the most polluted cities in the UK with air pollution surrounding nearby schools and our hospitals exceeding WHO’s guidelines for much of the time- young children are particularly vulnerable to breathing in polluted air as their airways are smaller and still developing.

“We are concerned about air quality and its impact on children's health, we are seeing the effect of global warming in the UK and around the globe and we feel that we need to act now - this ride like last year's ride will create conversations and actions to help protect them.”

Since taking part in RFTL last year Stefania…. The hospital signed the Clean Air Hospital Framework and promotes the use of bikes and e-bikes. Mr Eugene Yafeel, the Chief Executive for University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW), will be signing the Healthy Climate Prescription letter in the lead-up to COP27.

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston’s sustainability team have commissioned a report to measure air pollution in areas surrounding Bristol Children’s Hospital and The Royal Infirmary and found that air pollution exceeds WHOs guidelines much of the time, with nitrogen oxide exceeding the WHOs recommended levels more than 50% of the day. Also some of the Bristol schools are in areas exposed to air pollution levels above the WHO recommendations.